CIRAS: Critical Infrastructure Risk Assessment Support
Funded by European Union DG HOME
Coordinator: ATOS Spain
Running Time: 1.7.2014 – 30.6.2016
Project description
CIRAS will provide a methodology and tool set for the assessment and management of risks in a wide range of critical infrastructures and to many possible threats and incidents, including the assessment of risks, cost-benefit of security measures, and the assessment od qualitative societal factors. The needs and requirements of operational risk management in different CI´s will be identified and transferred into the tools. This way, a large acceptance of this solution can be attained across different CI application domains and nations. CIRAS offers the potential to unify and harmonise CI risk assessment across Europe. This potential can also help to harmonise CIP processes and measures across Europe, too. These objectives meet the intentions of the Council Directive 2008/114/EC, its founding documents, the EPCIP process and successor actions.
Exchange with the national Liaison Officers, selected ECIP contact points, CIP expert groups, JRC-IPSC and ENISA may be organized.