Autor | Title (download pdf) | Publication | Date |
Reinhard Hutter / Marcus Hutter | Chances and Risks of Artificial Intelligence—A Concept of Developing and Exploiting Machine Intelligence for Future Societies | MPDI Applied System Innovation, Special Issue: Recent Developments in Risk Management, | 2021 |
Reinhard Hutter / Christian Blobner | How to assess socio-political impacts of safety and security measures | Safety Risk Management, Capter 13, ISBN 978-3-11-063378-8 | 2020 |
Reinhard Hutter / Hans Kühl | Improving and Harmonizing Healthcare Processes Across Europe | TIEMS-The International Emergency Society, Newsletter-issue 28 - Nov. 2016, ISSN 2033-1614 | 2016 |
Reinhard Hutter / Jessica Schroers / Rowena Rodrigues | Qualitative Criteria Assessment to Enhance Security Decision Making | CRITIS-2016, Conference | 2016 |
Peter Klein / Reinhard Hutter | Qualitative Criteria in the Assessment of Security Measures for Critical Infrastructure Protection – a New Approach | International Journal of Critical Infrastructures (IJCIS) | 2016 |
H.Kaufmann / R. Hutter / F.Skopic / M. Mantere | A Structural Design for a Pan-European Early Warning System for Critical Infrastructures | e&i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, March 2015, Volume 132, Issue 2, pp 117–121. | 2015 |
Peter Klein / Reinhard Hutter | Qualitative Criteria in the Assessment of Security Measures - a new Approach | CRITIS | 2015 |
H. Kaufmann / R. Hutter / F. Skopik / M. Mantere | A structural design for a pan-European early warning system for critical infrastructures | Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik DOI 10.1007/s00502-015-0286-5 | 2014 |
Reinhard Hutter / Christian Blobner | Measuring the Values of Security | Proceedings of conference "Future Security 2013", Berlin | 2013 |
E. Adar / C. Blobner / R. Hutter / K.A. Pettersen | An extended Cost-Benefit Analysis for evaluating Decisions on Security Measures of Public Decision Makers, Project ValueSec | CRITIS Conference Lillehammer | 2012 |
Dr. Frank Umbach | Kritische Energieinfrastruktur in Gefahr durch Cyberbedrohungen | In: KAS Auslandsinformationen 9/2012 | 2012 |
Hutter | Cyber Bedrohungen-Risiken und die Folgen | In: Neue Dimensionen internationaler Sicherheitspolitik, ISBN 978-3-88795-377-5 | 2011 |
Umbach |
Liste der Publikationen | 2007/08 | |
Neubecker | Contributions to Education and Training for Security Management | 11th German-Arab Business Forum Berlin | 25.6.2008 |
Nerlich | Prospects for US-European Security Cooperation in a Volatile Global Strategic Environment | Sicherheitskonferenz Innsbruck | 10.5.2006 |
Hutter | Bedrohungen, Risiken und Herausforderungen der Informationsgesellschaft | Universität Wien Juruidicum | 9.6.2006 |
Hutter | Kritische Infrastrukturen - Eine neue Herausforderung - |
WimEsA Universität der Bw München |
2005 |
Hutter | Sicherheit und Risiken vernetzter Gesellschaften | Jahrbuch öffentliche Sicherheit | 2005 |
Hutter | Challenges of the new Dimensions of Security - an analytical view - |
Victory in Europe & the Road ahead | 2005 |
Nerlich | Nato and the binary US-EU Relationship | Victory in Europe & the Road ahead | 2005 |
Hutter |
CyberTerror Exercise - Attackon Critical Infrastructrues - |
Presentations to customers and partners 2002-2004 | Nov. 2001 IABG |
Nerlich | Strategische Dimensionen der Informationskriegführung | 1999 | |
Nerlich |
Die Rolle nuklearer Waffen in der zukünftigen europäischen Sicherheitsordnung | 1997 |