Dr. Phillip A. Karber,
is Chair of the Advisory Board of the Institute of International Law & Politics where he teaches courses on: Military Technology International Law and Terrorism, Security Policy, and Arms Control. A native Californian, he received his BA in political science from Pepperdine University, PhD in international law from Georgetown University and holds advanced certificates from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, the Wharton Business School, and the Harvard Business School. A former US Marine, in 1968 he came to Washington to work on the staff of the Congressional Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. In the late 1970s he directed the White House Nation Security Study Memorandum (NSSM 186) evaluating the Tactical Air balance and was a member of the US Army Science Board (including its tactical aviation panel). During the Reagan Administration he served as head of Strategy Development for the Pentagon, reporting directly as “Strategy Advisor” to Secretary of Defense Weinberger and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. Karber has also served as external advisor: to the Vice President of the United States; British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher; the Secretary General of NATO Manfred Wörner; the Chairman and CEO of Ford Motor Corporation; the President of RAND; and the leadership of both Senate and House Armed Services Committees of the US Congress. He has frequently testified before the US Congress and also appeared before the Parliaments of Canada, Denmark, France, Germany and the Netherlands.
For twenty-five years Karber was a senior executive with the BDM Corporation -- an international engineering and advanced technology services firm -- where he ran the Center for Technology and Public Policy. Later, as Corporate VP he was responsible for company strategy leading to a successful IPO and then headed the international Division with employees and businesses in over twenty countries. In that capacity he played a major role in the acquisition and privatization of Germany’s research institute IABG.
Dr. Frank Umbach
Senior Associate und Programmleiter "Internationale Energiesicherheit", CESS GmbH
geb. 1963 in Kassel, hat Politikwissenschaft, osteuropäische Geschichte und Staats-, Europa- sowie Völkerrecht an den Universitäten in Marburg und Bonn studiert und den Magister-Abschluss 1990 sowie die Promotionsprüfungen 1996 jeweils mit der Gesamtnote „sehr gut“ abgelegt. Von 1991-1994 war er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Bundesinstitut für ostwissenschaftliche und internationale Studien (BIOst) in Köln und 1995-1996 am Forschungsinstitut des japanischen Außenministeriums (Japan Institute for International Affairs/ JIIA) in Tokio. 1992 hat er für ein Jahr als Research Assistent im Büro des „Special Advisor for Central and East European Affairs“ des NATO-Generalsekretärs in Brüssel gearbeitet und war seitdem bis Sommer 2003 Konsultant dieses Büros. Herr Umbach hat in den 90er Jahren mehrere längere Forschungsaufenthalte in den USA (Washington, Fort Leavenworth und Santa Monica) und Moskau verbracht sowie Forschungsstipendien der NATO, des Kennan-Institute for Advanced Russian Studies (Washington) und der Japan Foundation erworben. Von 1996 bis Ende 2007 war er Programmleiter für „Internationale Energiesicherheit“ und „Sicherheitspolitik in Asien-Pazifik“ im Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP) in Bonn und Berlin. 2007-2008 war Herr Umbach offizieller Berater der litauischen Regierung zu Energiesicherheit, von 2002 bis Ende 2007 Co-Chair des European Committee of the Council for Security Cooperation in Asia-Pacific (ESCSCAP or CSCAP-Europe) – der wichtigsten „Track Two“ Organisation in der asiatisch-pazifischen Region - und jüngst Mitglied von zwei hochrangigen transatlantischen Expertengruppen zu Energiesicherheit sowie internationaler Expertengruppen zu den NATO-Russland Beziehungen und regionaler Sicherheit in Zentral- und Südasien. Derzeit ist er auch Mitglied einer US-Expertengruppe zur europäischen Integration der Ukraine (der Arbeitsgruppe Energiesicherheit der “Ukraine 2020 Task Force”), einer Initiative der U.S.-Ukraine Foundation in Washington und des Pylyp Orlyk Institute for Democracy in Kiew. Er ist außerdem Mitglied des international renommierten International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in London und war 2005-6 einer Arbeitsgruppe der BDI-Präsidialgruppe „Internationale Rohstofffragen“. Zudem ist er seit Sommer 2011 Vertragsautor und regulärer monatlicher Publizist beim „Geopolitical Information Service (GIS - www.geopolitical-info.com).
In den letzten Jahren hat er schriftliche Expertisen für die Europäische Kommission, das Europäische Parlament, das Auswärtige Amt, das BMVg, die NATO, die OSZE, das US-Außenministerium, die U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission des US-Kongresses, die litauische Regierung, das polnische Außenministerium sowie das House of Lords (Britisches Oberhaus/Parlament) in London verfasst bzw. war zu offiziellen Expertenanhörungen dieser Institutionen eingeladen. Darüber hinaus ist er Autor von über 300 Publikationen in mehr als 25 Ländern, darunter auch: ”Globale Energiesicherheit. Strategische Herausforderungen für die europäische und deutsche Außenpolitik” (Oldenbourg-Verlag), München 2003, 328 S.
Dr. Peter Klein
Description of background (academic background, work experience):
Study of mathematics, informatics, physics, sociology at universities of Bonn and Bielefeld (Germany), degree Dr. math. 1980.
1981 - 1995 Positions as software developer, integration project manager, and line manager in several computer and telephone companies.
1996 free lancer as project consultant for a 2m € IT infrastructure project.
1997 Co-founder, co-owner, and MD of PM Projektmanagement GmbH; project consultant and project manager in many industrial IT and IT security projects, e.g. for E-Plus, Bundesdruckerei, DEVK, also for PASR project VITA from 2004 to 2006 (Co-ordinator of VITA was IABG, Munich).
2007 Founder, owner, and MD of Ductis GmbH, devoted to risk and security management for companies and on a societal level. In this position several projects related to IT and IT infrastructure security in Germany, e.g. for E-Plus, Deutsche Flugsicherung.
Expertise related to CIP:
2004 to 2006 partner of PASR project VITA, in this project he was WP leader for the evaluation of the final exercise. In the FP7 security project ProtectRail he was WP leader for requirements definition, a cost-benefit analysis, and a System Dynamics analysis of Crisis Management. in the FP7 security project VALUESEC he lead use case development and assessment. In the DG Home project CIRAS he is responsible for the tool requirements definition.
Publications, Memberships and Expert Boards, Awards:
Dr. Klein is EU registered expert for evaluation and reviews and has performed proposal evaluations and reviews in FP7 security, FP7 ICT, DG Home, H2020 . Furthermore he has made proposal evaluations for the German ministry of science and for the government of Cyprus. He is participant in a CEN committee for standardization of Software Assurance.